We had a great time with Hearts and Daggers out at The Cave in Chapel Hill this past weekend. Those guys always put on a great show, and as I told Kevin (lead singer) when they started playing "Daddy Said", I may have jumped up and started squawling. It was a little light on the crowd, but we had a great time, and the folks there did as well. Thanks again to Hearts and Daggers for throwing down with us.
Now, on to this week...
Friday June 3 - The Milestone Benefit Show @ The Milestone, Featuring:
Take the Fall
Wolves & Wolves & Wolves & Wolves
The Menders
Dear Kavalier
Between Symmetries
This is going to be an insane show!!! Not to be missed!!! Also, announced today, we are going to be a part of Carolina Jubilee 2016!! It's a benefit 2-day show put on by the Carolina Farm Trust (click on their name to learn more) featuring: Sinners & Saints, The High Divers, Stolen Hearts, Amigo, She Returns From War, and the list goes on...Carolina Jubilee 2016 is Sept 30 and Oct 1. at Van Hoy Farms in Harmony, NC. So go check out their site and get informed about sustainable living and growing practices, along with some awesome music!!!
I know, I know this blog has been terribly long and full of info and links...Bear with me people...Stay tuned later this week we've got some news on the Recording front for the new album. What you can expect, when we're going into studio, where...all that good stuff. Coming up later this week!! Come hang out Friday, Support The Milestone, Support Local music!!!
We Love y'all!!